Monday, 24 August 2009


overcast, slight showers, cooler, temps 22

Nicer day than it seems - spent much of it on the porch, editing. Then exercised. My goal, imperfectly achieved, is to be like the ancient Greeks who felt it was important to have three elements in their lives - body, mind and spirit. The mind and spirit are, for the most part, achieved most days - but the body might not be anything the ancient Greeks would recognize. So, it feels great when I also exercise. I actually do feel more in balance with myself.

Spent the last few minutes trying or organize, or re-organize, things with JetBlue. I'm heading to Phoenix for an event at Poisoned Pen on November 5th, then a couple of library events on the 6th, and flying out Saturday, Nov. 7th. Except now they say that flight is cancelled. So I've had to re-book for Friday, which means missing the library events.

Frustrating! The absolutely wonderful Carolyn Hart has made space for me at her Poisoned Pen generous is that! I'm a huge fan of her too, so it's doubly exciting for I adore Barbara Peters, who runs and owns Poisoned Pen bookstore and publishers.

Anyway, this can't be helped. Just a bit disappointing.

Have also tried to book a hair appointment with Olivier in Montreal for this coming Monday, before flying to NYC Tuesday - but Olivier doesn't work Mondays!! Now there's an emergency. Oh well - I suspect New York has seen worse hair. Actually, it isn't bad, but I always feel more confident with a 'touch-up'. But rather have no hair cut than one with someone I don't know.

Michael and I are off for dinner to the guest cottage with Bal, Linda and Bethany. They're leaving tomorrow, so it's an 'au revoir' dinner. But we'll see them again soon, I know.

Have a phone interview tomorrow morning with CBC Radio - my last weekly one for their Canada REads series, since August is almost over. Can you believe it. Also want to write the September newsletter tomorow.

Thank you for everyone who wrote in with kind words for Michael in yesterday's blog. he LOVED reading and responding to them.

Speak tomorrow.


Marjorie said...


Reading about your stylist, Olivier, reminds me of something. I wish that there was a way for a Yankee like me to hear you pronounce the names of all your characters and place names in your books. I know that I am ruining them all in mind as I read. For instance is Olivier pronounced like Lawrence Olivier? Or is the R silent? Je can't speak Francais!

Marjorie from Connecticut

Louise Penny Author said...

Hi Marjorie,

good question - yes, it's like Lawrence Olivier. Oh-liv-ee-ay. Apparently the man who reads the audio version is VERY good on the pronounciation. But I might see if I can do something - perhaps have an audio like to me reading the names - from the website. Nice idea!

Marjorie said...

Dear Louise,

Thanks as always for answering my silly questions. But if you could hear me say 'riv bell bell' in my mind, you would believe that I need help with hearing the words in the right way! I even wonder about Clara. Is it CLEAR-ah or Clahr-ah? You see what feeds my insomnia most nights???

Marjorie from Connecticut