Tuesday, 11 March 2008

A Rich and Rewarding Day

Sunny, clear day, high 0 degrees (centigrade)

Free man is by necessity insecure; thinking man by necessity uncertain - Erich Fromm

Both Louise and I had busy days - in our retirement! Louise breakfasted with Hope Dellon, her editor at St Martins Minotaur, signed some books at SMM, then went to lunch with the buyers from Barnes and Nobles, together with the SMM team. A good feeling all round 'specially as the chief buyer loves Louise's books. Then to La Guardia and an hour's delay before her flight to Detroit. Now, she's tucked up in bed, preparing for an interview at 8:35am, then a Rotary Club luncheon, and an evening event in Ann Arbour tomorrow.

I took Maggie to the Vet for 8:00am for a repeat X-ray of her leg, which showed an old unhealed fracture once again. So she'll have an unstable joint and probably some arthritis in time. But you wouldn't know it to see her run around most days. In the interval, I had an enormous breakfast, then visited 5 different shops in Cowansville. Once home and unpacked, there was a phone message from Guy and Nicolle Carignan, our immediate neighbours and very dear friends. Martin Carignan, their son, had succumbed after eleven years to multiple sclerosis. I wrote a card, walked over to visit them, left the card and a phone message. They called back and came over for a cup of tea and we shared a long time. We all felt better. Then, I cooked my Nutrisystem dinner and got caught up with Louise by phone. So glad I was here and not travelling. It's clear someone else knows what's best, far more so than I do.

Two rich and busy days for Louise and Michael.

Be well. I'll write some more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lesa said...


I love Louise's writing too much to ever say you're just as good, but I enjoy reading your blogs.

Thank you for writing while Louise is on the road. I wish I had the chance to meet you.

Maybe next time!