Monday, 13 July 2009

Edit one done!

overcast, rainy, thunderstorms, temps 18

Another very odd day. Sometimes sunny, but mostly overcast and rainy. Drove to knowlton and there huge downpours...then drove to Sutton and it was bone dry. havoc with the weather.

Finished the first edit for book 6! Very pleased. Took out about 1,000 words, but the point of the edit for this book wasn't word count (with was already just fine) but fine-tuning and watching out for structure and plot.

What a relief to come to the end and actually like the book! Doesn't always happen with the first edit. Phew!!!

Tomorrow I have a few synopsis I need to write.

CBC asked me to be a judge for their national literary competition but I had to say no - it for this fall and that's a busy time, promoting The Brutal Telling. Oh, the Advance Readers Copies of the UK/Canada/Commonwealth version arrived today. they look fabulous!!! Very exciting. Will be giving one away on the August newsletter.

Had the broccoli from the garden for dinner last night. such a difference. And when we walk Trudy around the pond we snack on wild raspberries. They're everywhere. Nothing like eating raspberries, off the bush, still warm from the sun. Yum.

Such a relief to have finished the edit. Deep sigh.


Marjorie said...


Congratulations on not only finishing the first edit, but on feeling good about the book after tackling it again. That bodes well, I think.

--Marjorie from Connecticut

Louise Penny Author said...

Dear Marjorie,

Thank you...of course, now I'm worried because I like it! Always something for my little worry factory to produce.

But so kind of you to be supportive. Thank you!