Wednesday 21 April 2010

One tooth down

mainly sunny, warm, temps 17

Another beautiful day. Tossed and turned last night...worried about the book. Finally fell asleep and woke up to the alarm just before 6am. Michael is wonderful. Before I was writing I was always the first up - getting breakfast for everyone, walking Trudy. But since writing...indeed in the past couple years - he's started getting up first and making breakfast and walking Trudy. In the summer this is lovely, but not as heroic as in the dead of winter. Nothing quite like walking Trudy in pitch black and minus 20. At 7am.

Still, summer or winter, I appreciate that little extra time in bed - and to get up when I smell the coffee! Bliss.

Was at work before 8am... afraid to read what I did yesterday and the day before. But was surprised and relieved to see how much I liked it...until about 2/3rds of the way through...then it got rough. So I cut and added and polished - and edited. Took away about 1500 words and added about 1000. And now I'm very relieved and very tired.

We drove in to Mtl - and took Michael to his dentist, who decided to do some adjustments on a lower tooth. Tomorrow Michael's going to the specialist about the old root canal. Breakfast with an old family friend...Mary. At Nick's, of course. Then writing. Then our accountant Frank for taxes....then...Blue Met panel.

Great news, though!! NAT Grant, who was organizing the event and was trapped in London flew out today! So she'll be there. Organizing... I'll be there moderating. And Barbara Fradkin and Anthony Bidulka will be there panalist-ing.

If you come, you need to know there's a free wine and cheese after, sponsored by the Crime Writers of Canada.

Hope you're well! Speak tomorrow, I hope.


Brenda Buchanan said...

Dear Louise,

The Blue Met panel sounds like it'll be terrific. Wish I could be there.

We met Anthony Bidulka last June at Bloody Words (when we met you!) Such a sweet guy. I've since read two of his books (Amuse Bouche and Flight of Aquavit)and enjoyed both. Russell Quant is a great character (and his mom is a riot!)

I hope you have fun at this event. You deserve a jolly break, having worked so hard these past weeks.

Best regards,

Brenda B. in Maine

Anonymous said...

Tell me a story, free my mind.
Audio books are my companions
in this time of age, and I applaud
your choice of Ralph Cosham.
He paints your words.
A Rule Against Murder, the first delightful audio book I discovered, was soon followed by, Still Life, and, as yet unheard The Brutal Telling awaits a special moment to
enter my imagination.
Thank you, thank, thank you for not resorting to foul language, sex or violence!
Discovering why, following the clues like breadcrumbs... delightful!

Diane said...

Dear Louise:

I have to chime in my two cents worth with anonymous -- I have started to re-read your books, in order of course!, and am currently mid-way through The Cruellest Month. I believe the test for writing of worth is when you can re-visit and find new subtleties you may have missed at first reading, and I have to say, your works are one of the freshest with re-reading. Awesome to have such a talented writer in our midst. I know you're working hard on your newest but, very selfishly I can only say how glad I am that you are because it means your newest delight will be on the market.

Quran Learning Classes said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

Maureen Harrington said...

Really would like to read Barbara Fradkin and Anthony Bidulka books, but they are not yet recorded by NLS Talking Books Also seems they are not available on CD or hard cover - how does that happen? Not to be a bitchy wheelie or anything... oh why not?

Louise Penny Author said...

Hi maureen,

Ugh! I hate hearing that because they're great writers and should be read. I think you might be able to get them at - I hope so. Not at all sure about the books on tape, though. Very funny photo of you, by the way.

Hi Brenda - thank you! it was fun. And yes, Tony is wonderful.

Hi Helen - I'm SO glad you're enjoying the audio tapes etc - strangely, in the next book, they've gone for a different narrator. Apparently he's very good, but not sure why the change. I'm getting the first CD soon, so will give the new one a little listen. It is not, sadly, my decision though.

Hi Diane - How wonderful you are to go back and re-read them...and you could not have said anything lovelier. I adore that with each reading you discover more sub-text. Value for money...there are actually 5 books buried in each one!

Hi QLC- how great you are to dive in and make a first comment! Bravo. And welcome to the blog and my messy writer's world - and brain. have fun!