Sunday, 23 May 2010

Kid Olympics

sunny, hot, temps 29

Having a great time with the kids. I'm not at all good with kids until they hit the double digits, and then I'm more relaxed. Once I can talk to them. And these kids are great. Two boys, two far no tears, no teasing, no taunting and meanness that come sometimes happen. Of course, the day isn't over yet... But yesterday was a joy. Rained a bit in the morning, but they all went swimming anyway.

I've forgotten what it's like to be a kid and not care about water temperature. They even went swimming for an hour or so in the pond. They found the big pool toys...the dolphin and the porpoise - and next thing we knew they were splashing away with Uncle Doug in the pond. Today, after pancakes and bacon the boys got back in the pool and devised the 'Kids Olympics" which entailed catching a football as you jump into the deep end, then running along the bottom of the shallow end, and finally their version of the butterfly. Pretty chaotic Olympics, but still no tears and no trips to the emergency department.

Yesterday we all walked down the road to visit Markus and feed him carrots and apples - then into the village for ice cream - and back home for the Canadiens game. Least said about that, the better. (we lost - there, I said it.)

Barbeque burgers for the kids, lobsters for Vic and Michael - salads for Doug and me. Ending with the brownies, which Theo's Mom made...dear Lord they're wonderful.

And today is just the most beautiful day. As I write all four kids have just finished playing soccer out by the pond and are now in the pool. We're off for crepes later, but will hang loose (as they say) in case the kids would rather just play around here. sirloin steaks on the BBQ for dinner - and salads. Frankly, while we try to get some good food into the kids we pretty much feed them crap...and hope Theo's mom put carrots and broccoli into the brownies. Like the Canadiens winning this series, it seems a forlorn hope. It's a little disconcerting when Markus is getting better nutrition than the kids.

Everyone leaves tomorrow morning, we have the the Adult Olympics of washing sheets and towels and doing dishes and finding single shoes and socks and underwear to be mailed after them.

And then the place gets quiet, and we try to pretend it's peaceful...just peaceful. And not empty.


Shelagh said...

What a wonderful weekend the kids have had with you. And Trudy, too, with Buttercup!

Hope the weather stayed glorious today for all of you. I know how you feel about the place being "peaceful" without the children. That's how I feel when the grandchildren leave (empty and sad) but look back at the fun time we had when they were here.

This is just the beginning of summer so there will be more visits.


Anonymous said...

Saw you will be playing Chicago if your Canadiens manage to come back.

Louise Penny Author said...

Hi Shelagh,

Yes, that's how it feels...actually, for some reason, Michael and I both feel more like grandparents to these kids than aunt and uncle. Not a bad feeling at all. We loved going to our grandparent's place and we're so happy that the kids love coming here.

Thank you, Shelagh!

Louise Penny Author said...

Hi Thomas,

Yes! such fun to see chicago win...exciting last game. fingers crossed for the Habs!