Saturday 6 March 2010


Beautiful, sunny day - calm - temps minus 4

Doesn't feel nearly that cold. The sun and lack of wind make a huge difference. The long driveway is a skating rink...need to be careful walking Trudy.

Woke up and invited Michael for breakfast in the former chez Camil's...never remember the new name. This has a few purposes...I realized I had a package at the post office that needed fetching, we have a DVD that needed to be returned (2012 - never did see it since the blue ray wouldn't work in our blue ray machine) - and I suddenly - and happily - remembered my resolution.

Have More Fun.

I was in danger of tipping over in stress...and taking myself and what I do FAR too seriously. And becoming a stress bucket. or at least, lose perspective.

This would not be good, if for no other reason than writing would stop being fun. It's hard work - and stressful - and frightening - but it can also be fun...and I can't afford to lose that.

So - off we went for breakfast. Michael, as you might have gathered, rarely needs to be asked twice if he'd like a meal out. trudy came too and curling up in the back seat - the windows open a crack.

We had bacon and eggs - a couple cups of surprisingly good coffee (it isn't always) - then headed out. unfortunately both the post office and DVD store were still closed. But we put the disk through the slot and I'll have to call them later and tell them there might be something wrong with either 1) the disk 2) us.

Got home and went right to work on chapter 3. paul, our upholstered, came to measure the chair arms for sleeves. We remembered that cotton had given us a tin of home-made ginger cookies (a very happy moment in our day).

I just finished chapter 3. A few hesitations...I suspect some will come out in the first big edit (second draft) - but for now it does what it is meant to do. Fun to start building the house.

So - 2-thousand more words today. Up to 9,000 for the week.

What is a little disconcerting is that I don't know where the next chapter will begin. I always try to end when I know how to start the next day. But I know for sure something will present itself.

We're meeting Bal, Linda and Bethany in Knowlton for breakfast tomorrow. As you can see, breakfast is my social meal of choice.

And - speaking of which - The five writers nominated for the Best Novel Agatha have decided to meet for breakfast on the Friday of Malice Domestic in Washington. I genuinely like Rhys, Donna and hank - and while I don't know Lorna we have exchanged emails and she sounds lovely.

I would much rather have a community than an award. And yet, I'm very, very competitive. I wonder if this comes with age, and realizing I can't call a statue when I need help. I can't turn to an award for comfort or company.

Besides, I know it's possible to win awards and be a good, decent person at the same time. It's also possible to lose awards and be a good decent person.

I would - like all of them - prefer to prove the former.

But in the meantime, we will meet for breakfast and get caught up - and enjoy each other's company.


lil Gluckstern said...

I would imagine it is more fun to be a gracious winner, than a gracious loser, but it is more of an honor when you are in good company (to be a winner). So good luck. Sounds like an entertaining breakfast. (Thank you for your note). I find your breakfast, lunches, and dinners absolutely scrumptious. Your snacks too. You truly do something so important which is to really relish your daily life. How wonderful to love what you do when it is obviously stressful, and such hard work, but that increases the reward, I think. Well deserved...

whalewatcher said...

Here's a quote for your collection:
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross " People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty
is revealed only if there is a light from within."

Have a lovely day.

lil Gluckstern said...

Hello Kathy-Just had to comment on the quote-just beautiful. and so important to know the that light is still there when it is dark...
