Sunday 29 November 2009

We're off

overcast, cool, temps 2

We had our first snow yesterday. In fact, there was a winter storm warning out for overnight, but very little snow ended up arriving. Normally I love storm warnings, and storms - except when we need to travel...and especially when there are connections involved. Like this week.

Had a quiet day yesterday - Lise came over and the three of us discussed business stuff, including the mugs. She's put in an order for more - but with the holiday rush who knows when they'll arrive. They told her two weeks - so it should be in about ten days.

The Vive Gamache mugs we already have are gone, as far as I know. Danny and Lucy sold them all in a matter of hours. And we've decided to limit the next order to 250 with a limit of 4 per person.

It's all is the best way to ship them out. Quite fascinating really - thank God for Lise and Danny and Lucy - each doing reseach into packaging and mailing. I suspect we'll make some mistakes at first, but then learn and adjust.

Still, I think this is a fun idea - offering the Vive Gamache cafe au lait mugs to readers. And I think limiting the supply is reasonable. We don't want to be overwhelmed.

Had a fun breakfast this morning with Cheryl. And we're all packed now. wilder, our friend, is driving us to Burlington. He'll pick us up at the Burlington, Vermont airport Friday. Seems such a long time much happening in the meantime.

6am flight out of Burlington tomorrow. Connecting at JFK to a flight to Phoenix. Have dinner tomorrow night at Barbara Peter's home...she runs poisoned Pen press and bookstore. Peter Robinson and his wife will be there, as will Dana Stabenow. It will be a long day for us. Not totally certain it is a good idea to be going to a dinner party after getting up at 4am and traveling all day - but if we're too tired we'll just have to leave early. Eat and run. Have warned Barbara and she's very understanding.

Will try to blog Tuesday. Have a library event at noon, dinner with friends, then a 7pm event at Poisoned Pen with Barbara and Peter. Then flying to Rochester on Wednesday. More about that later. Feels like a very long week...but one day at a time everything happens. Sometimes I find I need to concentrate on an hour at a time. Or, better still, just one task or event at a time. Not project ahead. Just be present and do the very best job I can while there. And remember always to be grateful that this is my life. Where people are, for the most part, kind and generous toward me. would be tragic not to know how lucky I am, and show it.

Speak soon. Hope you packed your bathing suit...


Shelagh said...

Dear Louise,

Whew! Hope you are able to get a little rest over the next week.

I first learned about you and Inspector Gamache through Poisoned Press, so I have a very soft spot for them. I get their weekly newsletter and try to order books through them.

Have a good week. We'll be thinking of you.

Hugs, Shelagh

Lesa said...

And, I don't know how nice our weather is going to be for you while you're here in Phoenix, Louise. But, despite the weather, I promise a warm reception! Can't wait to see you on Tuesday!

Lesa -

lil Gluckstern said...

I would love to be a fly on the wall for that dinner! Sounds tiring, but such fun. Grab your rest while you can, and enjoy the company.


Anonymous said...

Louise, take care on your trip. Enjoy and don't get too tired. Wish I could come to the dinner on Tuesday, but I know it will be fabulous!! Hope your events go great!

Best wishes!

Dante said...

I just finished a Brutal Telling! It was fantastic. I hoped the killer wasn't that person but, c'est la vie. I hope you continue the story of the Gilberts in the next book. I found it a very funny book in some places but the gravity of sadness at the end was quite a bit. I hope Phoenix is warm and fun.

Anonymous said...

What a travel agenda! I hope you are blessed with a smooth ride and flight. I've read all of Peter Robinson's books and am presently reading Charles Finch, but .....
nothing can compare to how the Three Pines mysteries have grabbed meand I am looking forward to ordering the mugs..there is so much more than I ever imagined to being a successful mystery writer.
Stay healthy and warm. Blog when you can.. your communication is as ever enjoyable, personal and so informtative. I have my suit packed . It's in the 30's here so ...I'm ready!